A simple DragonCave thread

Discussion in 'Miscellaneous' started by autumnrain26, Feb 22, 2013.

  1. lol wut?
  2. This forum...... Trolling hard
  3. Ok, before I go claim two more eggs, does ANYONE have a nebula egg/hatchling/dragon that I can have, because everyone that said they would give me one has still not given me a link.
  4. Also, My vamp dragon just bit an egg. Does anyone want it? Ps you'll have to wait until my maji egg mAtures.
  5. Offers?
    Nice Silver. Could use a home.
  6. Offered :)

    Yey!!! My Hellfire has matured!!!

  7. Offered too. That glacial trio in my sig is now for trade on dat silver.
  8. Wait... I killed my new vamp egg cause I wanted a moonshine but now I can only have three eggs. :confused:
  9. Don't kill eggs. If you kill an egg, it's going to count as an egg still for 24 hours.. :/
  10. I WANT DA SILVER BABY! Please take my nocturne dragon hatchling because I don't want to kill it/ abandon it....
  11. I wish i could add a golden wyvern hatchli to the trade now. to late.
  12. :mad: I could not release it for five hours. That sucks.

  13. Oldgod... You have a very nice nebula egg there...
  14. I have some Gold Wyverns already.
    A Nocturn is so much less valuable than the Silver, and you don't have to kill it.
  15. I do. Ill trade it for that redish hatchling thing.
  16. i can't believe you killed it :(
  17. Boozle, i will trade my nebula for that redish hatchling thing. PM me for trade.
  18. It's more worth it to just wait 5 hours, because killing an egg is cruel, and you have to wait 24 hours to nab a new egg.
  19. Never mind... I'm getting one from thetrufflehunter.