Aperture is back on grid with its portal gun, neurotoxin, and other super high tech portal things! First things first...Aperture starts to improve its portal gun and black hole device at the same time. Turrets are changed to shoot faster.
We bring you an official Government-broadcasted News Report: The ships that brought the people from the former planet of Rhodinia, who live on Arevion now, have been converted to attack and defense ships that patrol the planet's orbital area. In addition, ships are being produced at an extrordinary rate: 12 per week. Arevion has a new federal expense budget. Tactical Weapon research and Defense spending are the costliest expenses, but are necessary. Hundreds of factories have been built to put Arevion at the top of the list of the most productive planets. Rhodinia, although it no longer exists, would be second if it still existed. Farming output is higher than ever and poverty is nonexistent on the planet. Army size: 52,677,923 people. Interplanetary Nuclear Missle stockpile: 302,000 missles. Glactical Defense ships: 225. Galactical Atack ships: 367. 2 of each ship is sent to all of the allied Nebula 001 planets
Aperture builds more turrets and designs them to fly in space. Turret count:1000...if you are wondering, they are small, tiny, stationary, guns.
Well THATS bad news! Luckily, Arevion had a super advanced early warning system that was developed while our planets were fighting against each other. This gave us time to prepare for this attack and we successfully turned back the invaders.
Potencia sends one last message. "They're here." Now it is impossible to communicate, and it seems Potencia has disappeared off of star maps. Coincidentally, the space pirates have not been seen anywhere but in Potencia's general vicinity...... Guess who's now a bad guy!
It's so strange sometimes to see people talk on the forums, then go on their alt and talk. It's like, "Wait- didn't we just see you?"
Q73F-3JS9 is pleased to announce they have awaken from a many-year slumber... They are currently on the new planet cloned with the planet maker machine.