A simple DragonCave thread

Discussion in 'Miscellaneous' started by autumnrain26, Feb 22, 2013.

  1. Are the Golds related? I'll set up a one-way trade via PM.
  2. Hmm. Can't decide which kind of dragon to chase next.

    Edit: Though I'm happy with my Balloon, Royal Blue, and three embers! All uncommon this batch, which is pretty good.

    Edit 2: Decided going to make a arrowhead lineage of Royal Blue dragons.
  3. Dino, paper, or cheese.
    I'll give you a sixth gen clean stairstep bronze shimmer from this shimmerscale if you can get me one.
  4. Pfft. Show-off.

    Also, as a helpful thing. This website
    http://www.coup-detat.info/NDER/Clock.php shows the current DC time. As a helpful tool for knowing when a drop is. However, the clock is sometimes off. And, to fix that, I recommend refreshing your page.

    Also, the hour drop just happened whilst i'm editing, and I saw a stupid cheese dragon in the cave. Someone else got it. :(
    In good news, look at this baby!
  5. I kind of stopped visiting this thread, when there are offers for rare eggs I can never get them, does anyone want me to try to breed any dragons for them?
  6. I just gave two Silver Tinsels away, but I can try to get you some eggs next week.
  7. Rare dragons? I don't see any rare dragons...
  8. People were offering shimmers and tinsels and stuff, I'm always late and can never catch any of the trades or giveaways.
  9. Shimmers and tinsels eh? Mm...I might be able to get you a shimmer (golden wyvern, right?).
  10. What's a drop???
  11. Nice. Got some nice eggies over there.
  12. Hmmm, I think I might stay away a little bit aside of the contest, sorry if this sounds rough but the bragging and greediness for rares is kinda ruining the fun of this...
  13. Oh no!
  14. Oh I didn't mean I'm leaving, just won't read all posts and stuff, I'll still try to help with doubts and I hope that soon the fever will be over ^_^'
  15. Uh...same thing-ish?
  16. Not really xD what I mean is you won't see me post unless directly adresses or if I see someone's question goes unanswered. Actually all I wanted to point out is that this is not all about rares, because it makes me a bit unvomfortable to see how that makes others feel kinda miserable? about not getting rares and discourages them from playing.

    I was hoping that rewarding metallics with the contest people would cheer up... Tomorrow it will get started by the way, some of the rules are going to be slightly modify so everything works well.
  17. What? Will you tell us the groups then?
    Dropping egg bomb in three, two, one. BOOM!
    Lasluin likes this.
  18. Thanks! I got that one!
  19. Just missed a royal blue and a gold. Stupid slow internet....

    EDIT: Will anyone trade me a royal blue dragon for a pillow dragon?
  20. Yes, tomorrow I'll publish the groups. Later today I will post the changes that I think are better but I need feedback. As I said, it's open to discussion because it's you who are going to play it.