its matjam..... also I knew you would try to do that. So I double switched them. So I have the real ones!
I knew you would try something. So I went back in time with my Vortex Manipulator and stopped myself from switching.
I knew you would do that so I hacked your account and made sure I had the real animals and ended this conversation.
Meh. Who cares about a cow anyways? I mean, you can just grab 'em for a bit of rupees. Though... WHY DID YOU DO THAT TO THE CHICKEN! WAHHHHHH!!! D:
I have decided any/all responses i make on this thread will include a meme. The irony of this meme is hilarious.
That's clayton3264 he's my bro I personally made him a red pepper skin and now we are bros I'm giving my friends diff ones ima make a carrot and a pickle next for kard's if he wants it and some1 else Not real bro