So, after learning about the Ghost "The Grey lady" In Willard library, i decided to research it. I discovered a website that had LIVE video cameras that you could watch, and you could try to see the ghost for yourself. Here is the website: I haven't spotted her yet, but i'll keep looking!
Enjoy sitting for hours looking for what you won't find. I don't believe in ghosts, if that wasn't made apparent.
After having lived in a creepy house, I believe in Ghosts. And i'm terrified of them .-. Stuff like this creeps me out... so maybe no... EDIT: I just looked up on her and it creeped the living crap out of me >.>
If the image is saved to your computer do this: 1. Go to 2. Upload the screenshot 3. When it's done, it will redirect you to the image link, on the right side of the webpage there will be a few link options 4. Choose the one that says 'BBCode (message boards & forums)', copy the link below it. 5. Post the link here 6. ??? 7. Profit! EDIT: Nvm, you got it lol
As of this moment i don't see the face. I will see it though. When i do i will have nightmares about it.....
Wait, I do!! It's really vague, and you have to look at it for a long time before you get the picture. (literally!! Har Har!!!)
I kind of see it in that one, but it's just the way the camera quality is. I don't see anything in that picture. The room is very bright, so there will be a lot of glare.