I haven't had a giant experience like that, but here is mine: The Manger hotel is located in San Antiono, Texas, downtown. It is rumored for it's hauntings, and since i live in San Antiono, i've wanted to visit it. My father, one day, took me to it, and i was looking in the lobby. I saw nothing interesting, and i went into a square room, with fancy knight armour, rugs, chairs, ect. It was filled with people. Up against the wall was a medium mirror, and i approached it, and looked at it. Nothing happend, so i turned my head. Out of the corner of my eye, a little girl appeared in the mirror, SOAKED in blood. I whipped around, and she was gone. I went home that night, and i couldn't sleep
Aside from my close-up I don't see a dang thing in any of the pictures. Except of course, the library itself.
My experience with paranormal: 2003-2004. I lived in this house. One day, my mum heard the door open, close and somebody walked up stairs. She thought it was my dad, but nobody was there. One day, I went to get a McDonalds. We turned all of the lights off, even the TV. We came back in. The TV was on Coranation Street, and the living room light was on. We moved out of this house after 6 months because my mum has a severe phobia of things like this. I think I do too. I'm hard to scare, but I get paranoid when I am scared. I'm not reading much more of this thread. I have to go to bed now Also, there's this tramp dog that lives outside. He comes out during the night. Since it's night, I can't go out. When it's day he just sort of...dissapears. The first time I seen him I crapped my pants, thinking it was some sort of monster. Then I realized it was just a big black and white husky.... Atleast I think he's a husky. He might be a sheep dog, but i'm pretty sure he's a husky.
Once when I was around 10, I was playing in my backyard. As I was turning around, I saw a tall cloaked thing. It was well over six feet, was wearing a long cloak with the hood up, and appeared to be floating. It, in less than a couple of seconds, floated behind a building near my house. I turned around again to see if anyone was there, but I saw no one. At first I thought that someone was out at the building, but I never saw it again.
I don't believe in any of this stuff... Prove it to me and I might. It's just hard to believe the stuff when you see the things Jesus did in the bible. Compared to that, it's not that scary. (What Jesus did was kind of scary to people if you think about it) https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=8a94t28C-X4
Trust me, at first i never belived in the paranormal besides the Trinity, until my encouter at the Manger Hotel, and these things i've seen sealed the deal.