I think you can actually switch the tnt flag on. But only diamond supporters can place and ignite TNT. Also I have a bit of TNT on Utopia I may be able to donate.
Players who are not diamond supporters should not be able to turn the TNT flag to true, as far as I know. In the past, it was just not possible. I have confirmed that non-diamond supporters are able to set +tnt, and have filed this as a bug at http://track.empire.us/issue/EMC-93. Anyone can ignite. Only diamond supporters can place.
I think I might have some TNT in stock at 811 and I might just donate it, depending on what happens with this "bug"
TNT isn't a pset command - it controls if TNT explodes when ignited - it doesn't "know" who set off the TNT.
Stop confusing me with fancy words! Regular members have it because they can ask a diamond supporter to place them then ignite them. In fact it's vanilla to have everyone use tnt and ignite it but since were French Vanilla it is basically banned. I don't know very much about code but this should be allowed; I don't think this should even be a bug that "regulars" CAN change a flag that has been there for the use of TNT.
In the past non diamond members havent been able to change the flag. Now they can, and it wasnt mentioned as a feature in the flag update. Probably means it is a bug.
I filed it as a bug as in the past the following restrictions were in place for TNT: Only diamond supporters could place TNT Only diamond supporters could use /res set tnt t - to enable it to explode on their res The first one of these restrictions is very much still there. The second one isn't, and there hasn't been any official post saying "TNT can now be blown up on a res that's owned by someone who's not a diamond supporter". Therefore, I flagged it as a bug because there has been no indications that this change was intentional, not because I think that it should be different. If this turns out that this is a bug and is patched, then I recommend you create a thread in the suggestion box after the time of fixing, saying you'd like everyone to be able to change the TNT flag.
Don't you think a bug is something like I don't know changing the TNT flag now to true then when the update comes to make only diamond supporters able to change, leave it on true? I could do that with my alt right now Jack.
Yes, I know you could. And that's caused by (what's probably) the bug of anyone being able to set the TNT flag. If, for whatever reason, you feel the need to discuss this more, please start a PM with me.