EMC Bug Fix Timeline [UPDATED 2013/04/29]

Discussion in 'Empire Help & Support' started by AlexC__, Apr 1, 2013.

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  1. What's the difference? Why be picky about a stupid date format? If we're going to cry about date formats, then instead of writing it the American way MM/DD/YYYY or the everyone else way DD/MM/YYYY Why not just write it out?
    March 5th, 2013

    Because so many people cry that they have no idea what is going on with updates and bugs and want it on the forums so we all can see it.
  2. Can you do a track bug thing for this :p
  3. Exactly! :)

    When making lists with many items, it is better to use 2013-03-05 because it is easily sortable and (IMO) easier to read.

    I think the cause is that there are (or have been) many vague and also contradicting announcements. It's confusing. Guess people would like to know if the EMC staff knows what's the route and where they're heading - and with them we all together. I can understand that people feel treated like small kids in a kindergarten. Guess most (older than 6) don't really like that. I know I don't like it since I was 5.

    BTW, sometimes, in the forum, quoted text (as result of clicking "Reply") seems to appear out of thin air ... when reply interferes with edit. :)
    PandasEatRamen likes this.
  4. Our residence is not the same one from the site, so any config things would pretty much be irrelevant.

    our move handling is different than the public residence plugin.

    Also, the symptoms you are experiencing is intended. If you don't want your chat spammed, don't keep moving into it then :) We will not be changing it to move you farther away as that complicates things.

    Can you give examples? Cause I can't see potential for this to happen.
  5. As for the dates, you really shouldnt use DD/MM/YYYY as its really confusing considering most people here are in the US.

    YYYY-MM-DD like it was originally suggested is more suitable as its easier to read everywhere in the world, and doesnt trick US players into thinking these updates were in January...
    PandasEatRamen likes this.
  6. These were fixed


    Fixed EMC-13 Ocelot Spawning is outrageous
    Fixed EMC-24 Auto Kill does not check Persistance flag
    Fixed EMC-63 Chiseled Quartz and Quartz Pillar aren't named correctly
    PandasEatRamen likes this.
  7. If you run a query to check it, i guess you'll find dozens ... something like
    SELECT ....
    FROM rlog l1 JOIN rlog l2
    WHERE l2.player = l1.player AND l2.id = l1.id + 1
        AND l2.balance != l1.balance + l2.amount
    Perhaps it happens when there is a (fast?) concurrent flow of transactions from 2 or more servers.

    BTW, could you add the transaction id to, or show the exact time (seconds) in the rupee log?
    The time shown is rounded to minutes and there can be more than 100 transactions per minutes or even more on "shop spam" from many servers.
    It would be also nice to have server name / id in the log, perhaps also residence number - if the shop is not in the wilderness :)
    Thanks + good luck hunting it!

  8. Will update date format, fixes and invalid bugs ASAP
  9. Ok I guess.

    Thought walking into a no move res and than get spammed with messages is one thing. Another is when you are on a res for example me and marrio and then do no move on the res. now if you don't do anything you are still on the res until you move or do anything. The old way of being flung in the air worked apon setting no move also it was a much better way of telling people no and not get spammed in chat. Also as your an admin I guess you don't get message and you can bypass it when needed.

    Plus if your saying the config is void then why is half of the information on there being used and on website Justinguy is a coder hmmm
  10. It means what it says, JustinGuy is a past contributor :p Our residence may or may not be the same one, but it's HIGHLY customized. :)
  11. I know. I like it. Just a few little things need to be changed back other than that it awesome.

    Ask people do they prefer to be flung up in the air apon reaching a no move res or would they prefer to get stuck no a no move res and get pushed back a little and get spammed with you do not have move permissions on this res. plz ask people I think I know what they are going to say.
  12. -snip- for politeness

    Honestly I would rather be moved back and spammed with YOU DO NOT HAVE PERMISSION TO ENTER HERE rather than be walking along, walk on the res and be flung across the map only to have to walk around the res just to get back where I was. If it wasn't spammed in chat then people would start reporting it as a bug or something. Nobody else seems to have this issue.
  13. Before I waste everyone's time and all making a thread, is the whole giving yourself perms on your own res a bug? I just moved from one server to another and claimed a res, ended up having to give myself perms.
  14. It is on the list and Aikar is giving it high priority.
    PandasEatRamen likes this.
  15. Okies then, I also left out "Making a PM" in that, but you get my point lol. Thanks, was curious.
  16. I'm not too bothered, this thread doesn't really need to contain much discussion anyway :p
    PandasEatRamen likes this.

    • [EMC-76] Fixed when using /res default and claiming a new res you as the owner wouldn't have build perms+others. This was due to a new system being mixed with the old one.
    • [EMC-80] Fixed entity limited was checking all spawns for the 90 natural spawn limit. Is supposed to only check for this limit on natural spawns.

    Also added more not-added bugs
    Laurencem17 likes this.
  17. Fix(es):

    • [EMC-83] Fixed boats inside protected wild spawns & outposts not being able to be placed down due to the default flag being -boat for /res default. Bigdavie fixed it by setting +boat in all locations.
    • [EMC-81] /help flags now links to the Empire Guide page to avoid the command filling screen.
    Not added:

    • Players lose items when switching them around in chests/inventory/dropping them and picking them up very fast - opening a chest again or re-logging gets them back. This is a fairly well-known non-EMC lag issue that has been around for quite a while.
  18. 2013/04/11
    • [EMC-48] (Re-)fixed piston and sticky piston item ID's/shop signs not working. Also fixed potato, carrot, nether brick (brick not block) and flower pots.
    AmusedStew likes this.
  19. Lol. The same thing just happened to me.
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