A simple DragonCave thread

Discussion in 'Miscellaneous' started by autumnrain26, Feb 22, 2013.

  1. I have most of the eggs! :) 50 as I speak!
  2. alright. i got rid of the other one, no worries. :) .. what happened was i made a new one, recently, because i forgot i had one already made. >.<
  3. :)


    You mean Nebulas like the one in my sig? Or is there another kind?
  4. I am worried about my bronze hatchling, it only has 20 hours left as of now.
  5. Put it in the ER on allure of neglected dragons and put it on ever other click site you can find.
    I keep getting nebulas and galaxies mixed up. Galaxies aren't in dragon cave, but after all, a nebula and a galaxy are the same thing basically in real life. That's why I get them confused.
  6. Woah! I gave it three views and it just matured xD congrats.
    jacob5089 likes this.
  7. I have all the Easter eggs. :) I also just picked up a GW from the cave. :)
  8. Gw?
  9. GW=Golden wyvern. It will grow to be:
  10. Ah okay, cool.
  11. Anyone have tinsels, silvers, dinos, or shimmerscales I can trade for?
  12. Can you breed a gold for me? I can breed some nebulas in exchange for it.
  13. I have a gold in my sig I'm willing to trade for.Pm me your trade if you want it.
  14. Thanks so much! I was so worried.
  15. How do I post a trade offer?
  16. Do you mean offer on a trade or make a trade for people to offer on?
  17. Make a trade.