This is it.

Discussion in 'Public Member Events' started by TheRocketSurgeon, Mar 31, 2013.

  1. Stalker-ish.
  2. No this is stalkerish
    What's your name?
    Whats your hometown?
    Who are your friends?
    What schools do you go to?
    Whats your e-mail?
    Where do you live?
  3. I can answer those.

    What's your name? Duh.
    Whats your hometown? There.
    Who are your friends? Them.
    What schools do you go to? That one.
    Whats your e-mail?
    Where do you live? There.
    jtc0999 likes this.
  4. Can I ask more than one question?
    If so, why not 3 sets of 3s instead of 333?
    Also, what will you do on the 500th day?

    321, please.
  5. What's your favorite Kirby game?
    Opinion on Meta-Knight?
    138 please!
  6. 124 :D

    If Kirby ate another Nintendo charter, transformed taking their powers and outfit. (super smash bro's kirbys) Which would be your favorite?

    Another Kirby question. In all of Kriby games, Which is your Favorite powered up Kirby? UFO, Wing, and Ninja are my favs.

    And last Kirby question. In Kirby's Dream Land 3 If you had to choose only one of Kirby's animal pals who would it be? Mine would be Nago the Cat :D
    codygraw101 likes this.
  7. What type music do you like / favourite band?
    215. :D
  8. 13

    I'll actually be in Washington D.C.; for most of the day, but I will be back home before dinnertime, and get on ASAP afterwards.

    Meta-Knight sucks. Like honestly, what a spamtroll.
    My favorite character to swallow was Pikachu in Brawl, because you could spam so hard.
    My favorite was definitely UFO Kirby.
    I'm gonna have to agree with you on Nago.
    Rock mostly. Beatles, Green Day, Queen, I like Bruce Springsteen and the E Street, etc.
    penfoldex likes this.
  9. What is your favorite kirby power? 174
    EDIT: Already used question

    What is your favorite spray paint in Kirby and the amazing mirrors?
  10. I've never actually played that game 0.0 uh..oh..
  11. 24 and Do you like potatoes?
  12. Obviously!!
  13. What was your favorite thing the first time you logged on to empire minecraft, and what is it now? 67
  14. Can u tell us the exact time I have to go away on one of those days so what do is it for the drop party
  15. Can I have 49?
    Do you like the number 49 or 94 better?
  16. My favorite thing when I first logged on was the welcoming community, and it still is.
    Of course. and 49 because its a perfect square.
  17. How many cows are tipped annualy?
  18. None. It is physically impossible.p
    PenguinDJ likes this.
  19. Who inspires you?
    64 p10x :)
  20. *Cough*
    Do you like tomatoes?

    Numba 133 please