[Event] Eggstravaganza

Discussion in 'Public Member Events' started by EroseYT, Mar 20, 2013.

  1. Clear you calendars for Friday, March 22nd at 6 p.m. EST! Someday and time after 1.5 reset.

    To continue with monthly contests and events the The Giving Tree presents Eggstravaganza!

    On my res, (Smp 1) 535, I will have an egg scavenger hunt! There will be tons of chests with eggs and other smaller prizes for you to find. Some of the chests will contain special 'named' eggs that you can find and turn in to me for a prize chest!

    MVPdrose- 64 Gold blocks, 64 Cauldrons and 3,582r
    Slash14450- 10,000r
    Jrm531- 7,000r
    Generalfelino015- 32 Lapis Blocks and 64 slime balls

    (March 22nd is also my 400th EMC birthday :p )
  2. [Derpy video goes here]
    Qwerty189 likes this.
  3. Congrats on diamond, and 400 days
  4. Really hope emc goes 1.5 by then...
  5. I hope EMC can update in the next 2 days so I can participate in this (maybe not:p)
  6. Oh.... are a lot of people not able to play because of the 1.5 thing? Maybe I should push it back?
  7. ...and the fact I literally get outta school then (3:00pm here in California).... But don't mind me :p
  8. Hmm, perhaps I should pick a different day and time. What would be a good time for everyone?
  9. How about saturday at around 3pm? (I live in pacific timezone.)
  10. A weekend would probably be best for everyone
  11. About 9pm GMT would suit a lot of people, on a weekend anyways
  12. In the afternoon around 4:00 P.M EST (Eastern Standard Time) is probably an all around good time to do this at.
  13. Est is Gmt-5 isnt it?
  14. Yea
  15. Yeah so that would be 9pm UK time :) Pretty much perfect, the majority of us are within the time limit of that.
  16. Bout the Valentines Day Giving Tree contest? Who won that? D:
    uglydragon likes this.
  17. Uglydragon
    uglydragon likes this.
  18. Happy 400th erosego!
    erosego likes this.
  19. is it over D: and Happy 400th!!!! Erosego you are a boss