A simple DragonCave thread

Discussion in 'Miscellaneous' started by autumnrain26, Feb 22, 2013.

  1. Well then..:3
    You like making your words pink? I'll make mine magenta! HMMM
  2. Are "discontinued" dragons rare?
  3. Well then.
  4. You can't get them anymore.
  5. Finally got a red dorsal. :D
    TheTrufflehunter likes this.
  6. Yay... I have an adult :D :D cant wait for the cload to hatch :D Also anyone who has 2 pure bred different speicies plz tell me and i will be willing to give 2500r per dragon they have to be in the same breed also
  7. Oh are not allowed to trade things for dragons besides other dragons, as per DC rules.
  8. D:... Man i just have crap dragons.
  9. Have you tried looking everywhere? What is clean and devoid of dirt and scratches? xD
  10. Very well, then?
  11. Hmmm, secret message?
  12. What is clean and devoid of dirt and scratches? A white dragon, then...
    Oh, that's so sneaky! Nice, claimed it.
  13. So...they're really rare?!
  14. Only 2 eggs have really been discontinued for one reason or another.. Old Pinks were only female and they were replaced with the new pinks which are both.. Frilled, on the other hand, were removed for whatever reason.. Tinsels are, in essence, discontinued, although you can still get them but not CB. Frills are on occasion given away in the honorable mentions pile during prize raffles and in the case of the tinsels, they were replaced with shimmers. *Sneaky, Sneaky*
  15. man just lost my first Spawn... I had a bit to much eggs... he is gone D: D: D:
  16. xD thanks
  17. Your hatchling died? Why'da kill it?
  18. No it did not die... i had to many eggs
  19. But I can still get a Gold Tinsel? Because I need it to finish my tinsels.