[Old Thread] Mob Arena

Discussion in 'Empire Events' started by Maxarias, Dec 4, 2012.

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  1. oh god no :p
  2. I'd probably go troll and run on every single plate then run back to the middle.
  3. By any chance would it be possible to push the time of one of the arenas a half hour back to around 10:30 pm EST? This is not a whining post by the way, I just want to know before hand if I will be able to make it or not.
  4. I can never make these because they are at elven o clock at night...
  5. So is there going to be mobarena today :D?
    ninjaboy5656 likes this.
  6. I don't think theres going to be one now...
  7. I think I will assume that there isn't one considering the time.
  8. whens the next one...?
  9. Every Wednesday, American EST and Monday's with Bigdavie, generally
  10. ok thx

    Mega Mall 1536 - puffernugget25
  11. There is going to be a mob arena today 8pm UK time (3pm EST I believe). There will be three rounds since I was only able to hold one last week.

    We need a challenger to nickjwolfe as he is dominating Monday Mayhem.

    HINT: Blast protection IV on all four armour slots is a waste, have one piece with blast protection IV and three with Protection IV, you still reach the cap on protection from blast damage.
    HINT: Food. Fighting mobs is hungry work, keep your hunger bar full or you will stop regenerating hearts naturally.
    HINT: Don't use you best gear in the first round, keep it for the second. Most players will have lost their best gear in the first round so you now have an advantage.
    HINT:Weapons, why take a bow? If you win a bow is a must against the wither, but also think about when you might want a passive mob to become aggressive (oh look, all those friendly pig men are over the other side of the arena and there are dozens of players between them and me).
    Anyone have more hints?
    jkjkjk182 and southpark347 like this.
  12. They may need health regen potions and insta health II potions as well and anti fire potion
  13. Are u calling me out boyo, oh and i will be there
    AlexChance and southpark347 like this.
  14. No helpful hints for you challengers? You must be scared.
    southpark347 likes this.
  15. I don't want to talk trash, but it's about to go down......
    southpark347 likes this.
  16. I am not sure, perhaps there shall be a change in the arena from now on....
  17. Once I get some spare rupeez I will attempt once again to take you down! *in crusty old voice

    My attempt is in ninjaboy :p
  18. Well then put more enthusiasm in your voice. :p
  19. Ill try *cough cough*
    WOOT 500th POST!!!! And I still have to get back from wild in SMP9, my Echest has goodies :p

    EDIT: Damn it, these darn NY Hotel computers :(
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