{God Armor} Diamond Enchanted Armor

Discussion in 'Auction Archives' started by sharky200, Mar 6, 2013.

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  1. Yeah, I'm not able to be on at the moment but I can deliver it, do you want it on smp2?
    Tell me what res your going to be on, thanks ilostmyshorts :)
  2. I will be on SMP2 3010.
  3. Ok, I'll be on tommarrow, I don't have my computer right now
  4. Payment sent.
  5. Well, I am not certain we will be on at the same time. Just set up an access chest for me on one of your res's. That way I can pick up at my convenience.
  6. Ok, just pay me now and I'll check the history and put the armor on 1333, sorry for the inconvenience
  7. I mean 1334
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