Discussion in 'Community Discussion' started by plasma131, Feb 7, 2013.

  1. 8/10 :)
  2. I love bacon. 8.3586093/10
  3. 9/10
    Kman122000 likes this.
  4. 3 · 6 / 5 · 2 · 2 · 2
  5. 10/10 for the snorlax xD
    Chascarrillo likes this.
  6. 7/10 don't know what a coexist is but like the wool
  7. It's made with symbols from different religions. Basically means "Lets all live together and not rage on one another about our religion/belief guys!"

    7/10 Kinda random but I like bananas.
  8. 7/10
    I like the quote. :)
  9. O ok and 10/10 cuz u act Lyke ur a newborn llama
    PandasEatRamen likes this.
  10. A lotta bananas, Im likin the thing that looks like a llama, and the cows lookin pretty icecreamisious, but id have to take off some points for the banana being crushed by the weight...

    So that I can add them back on for the never ending illusion of the banana posting your post on emc with a signature including a banana posting your post on emc with a signature including a banana posting your post on emc with a signature including a banana posting your post on emc with a signature including a banana posting your post on emc with a signature including a banana posting your post on emc with a signature including a banana posting your post on emc with a signature including a banana posting your post on emc with a signature including a banana posting your post on emc with a signature including a banana posting your post on emc with a signature including a banana posting your post on emc with a signature including a banana posting your post on emc with a signature including a- *mind pops*

    Id say a 9.3319615912(repeating 2)/10.0000000004
    plasma131 likes this.
  11. Beat me to it 7/10
  12. 6/10
  13. Was the 11/10 for me? XD
  14. Lol I like the randomness part of the banaynays :3 especially the weight one cause yes he does get squished but he can pick it up :D
  15. No I was posting random scores for ANYBODY
  16. Ok, then ill claim the 11/10 XD

    Quick, 2 someones besides someone who I dont like, claim the other 2 good scores before such person gets it, so such person be stuck with the bad score XD

    (use of bad grammar is NOT mistake!)
  17. lol
  18. For whom?