Discussion in 'Community Discussion' started by plasma131, Feb 7, 2013.

  1. 1/100

    Now rate my Guitardis and my jumpin' Snorlax. :cool:
  2. 0/10 me no like lizzards
  3. 0/e

    Me no like text bunnies
  4. 8/10 D: you no like bunnies!
  5. 7/10 I like bunnies :D
  6. Improvement of text bunny:
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    Makes it look like it has a body.
  7. 5/10 because of the 3 body-bars weird thing of the text bunny
  8. I was trying to do two bars on the outside, but for some reason, EMC won't let me! Here's what happens when I try.
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    When I typed those, they were ten spaces apart. When I hit the post button, something funky happens.
  9. 8/10 i would have done that adsingh just i would't let me it did egxactly like you do...
    adsingh likes this.
  10. 0.8/1.
  11. How do you like my New sig :cool:
  12. 3/10 I don't find this "budder" thing amusing.
    MineMeetsRoblox likes this.
  13. 2/10 Unorginized slopy and just showing off.
  14. 4/10 kinda boring and the budder was cut off
  15. Lil messy 6/10
  16. 1/10
    Bananas are old.

    If I had my special signature on, I would wins.. :p
  17. Fixed 1/10 nothing there