You demonstrated right there that you are capable of posting something along with the picture in the same post. Please put the genre with the picture, otherwise this thread can be closed / all posts deleted because the real reason you made it was to increase your post count. Nfell was perm'd because he broke the rules on multiple occasions. If you want to be like him then odds are you'll end up like him - looking for another server. Nfell made plenty of jokes about how he liked spam, and now he's gone. I really don't see why people like him and you are so proud of your post count if people see the majority of your posts as spam. Your post/like ratio should show you that most people see a hefty majority of your posts as irrelevant or spam. I'm not saying the amount of likes you get defines you or shows how "good" or a poster you are, but it does show the quality of the posts you make. Your ability to post here isn't just a given. Don't lose your ability to post here simply because you wanted to have a lot of posts.
I didn't make that post because you spam a little - I made it because the main idea of this thread was to increase your post count. You showed everyone that it isn't difficult for you to post words with a picture yet earlier you stated it was difficult. You've posted multiple pictures and then genre's / date it came out in a post after that. If there's 100 pictures you're aiming for 200 posts when 100 would suffice perfectly. I'm not being bad with Nfell. I'm pointing out blatant facts. Was he banned? Yes. Because he broke the rules on so many occasions. If you disagree with that then fine, but I'm not going to lose any sleep over it. If he weren't a rule breaker or just a bad egg, he'd be here still.
The 1st one is The 'Burbs. I love that movie. The Klopecks creeped me out The other one...I know it's Chaz Palminteri...He was popular back maybe Usual Suspects. Not sure when that came out and haven't seen it in a long time. I remember he's in it. If not that, maybe Running Scared.
And I prefer no more discussions about nfell. He is banned. For me it was a boss. I dont care what others think
I simply brought up a post you made about feeling "honored" to be compared to him and so if you think it's cool to be like him then this isn't the server for you. I didn't make my post to bash Nfell, I made it to warn you that if you keep spamming you'll end up the same as him.
Spamming was a big part of his ban. He scammed a little once and was perm'd and the other guy got off easy? No, the other guy had a much smaller / possibly non-existent moderation history. If someone commits a crime for the first time their sentence isn't the same as someone who has been convicted multiple times, even if the crime isn't the same every time. Following the rules is great - spamming isn't following them though.
Again, spamming isn't following the rules, which is what I've been saying. All I'm doing is warning you that you have been spamming and that you could be banned. I'm definitely not the only one who has noticed the amount you post.
He made his own - me, jake_bagby, and mba2012 are all admins on there... to keep him in check and make sure he doesn't pull a cough on a field I find it funny because I can't guess a single one of these movies. The only movies i've ever watched are Terminator, Star Wars, a few disney films, Iron Man, and The Hunger Games. Oh, and Shaun Of The Dead.
If nfell was clean and he spammed he Would never be banned. I am clean so I dont think I will get a perma ban for just spamming