I knew he made a server and Jake was an admin, but I didn't know you and mba were. The reason I said "Looking for another server" is because for a lot of people creating their own isn't the most feasible alternative haha
Will PM you the website >.> I am head of server development, and an admin. mba is head of website development, and an admin. Jake_Bagby is head moderator and is Senior Staff
I haven't said that you would be perm'd immediately. He was given countless warnings for spam and then the staff gave him one final one - if he spams again he will be perm'd. It just so happened he was banned for scamming before the inevitable spam he would bring. I'm not posting here because I don't like you or because I'm out to make people upset, but simply because I've noticed you spamming and figured I'd warn you because the staff shouldn't have to. If you disagree then by all means continue, but it's not going to work out well for you
The second one is "Wrath Of The Titans", first one, I'm not quite sure. I almost got it. [UPDATE] Now I remember, Dreamcatcher.