Something about his garden:'s_Garden Is this a trick question? Think carefully…
13 If cats have 9 lives, and humans have one, what's the surface area of the moon times the amount of apples Sarah has?
The number of lives that cats and humans have are irrelephant. Also, it's a myth that cats have 9 lives. They actually have eight. This has resulted in thousands of dead cats over the years. Anyway, to answer the question: surface area of the moon: 37.9 million km^2 Sarah has no apples. She has an android phone and uses ubuntu. She's also allergic to the fruit. 37.9 million * 0 = 0 My question: What have I got in my pocket?
A whole new dimension of randomness. And lint. Always lint. Who stole the last cookie from the dispenser?
Sharkish. But with less teeth and predatory instinct. On a scale of mango to turpentine, how many bees?
Wolfram Alpha says x^2 Has anyone really been far even as decided to use even go want to do look more like?