Answer above post question!

Discussion in 'Miscellaneous' started by Jakres, Feb 23, 2013.


    what does the octopus say?
  2. Yes
    Why did the chicken cross the road?
  3. Because he faced lots of economical problems.
    What is the meaning of life?
  4. 42.
    Is McDonald's the Illuminati?
    Squizzel_Boy likes this.
  5. Who knows?

    Did you came here to answer my question of why did you came here to answer my question?
  6. Mineception!

    What is my favorite type of pie?
  7. I don't like pie.

    Do you sell bacon on a stick?
  8. Nope

    What's your Favourite YouTuber?
  9. Uhh has abit of swearing...

    What is 1+1?
  10. 13

    If cats have 9 lives, and humans have one, what's the surface area of the moon times the amount of apples Sarah has?
  11. The number of lives that cats and humans have are irrelephant. Also, it's a myth that cats have 9 lives. They actually have eight. This has resulted in thousands of dead cats over the years.
    Anyway, to answer the question:

    surface area of the moon: 37.9 million km^2

    Sarah has no apples. She has an android phone and uses ubuntu. She's also allergic to the fruit.

    37.9 million * 0 = 0

    My question:
    What have I got in my pocket?
    IamSaj, jacob5089 and penfoldex like this.
  12. A whole new dimension of randomness. And lint. Always lint.

    Who stole the last cookie from the dispenser?
  13. Santa Claus stole it.

    Finnish language is similar to ....
  14. Sharkish. But with less teeth and predatory instinct.

    On a scale of mango to turpentine, how many bees?
  15. Wolfram Alpha says x^2

    Has anyone really been far even as decided to use even go want to do look more like?
  16. Do not know ....

    Bird or Chicken?
  17. Both.

    Yellow, orange or red?
  18. Red Dead Redemption.

    Why am I still conscious?