[Event] Survival Games Competition

Discussion in 'Public Member Events' started by 1998golfer, Jan 19, 2013.


Will you participate?

Yes 34 vote(s) 57.6%
No 6 vote(s) 10.2%
Maybe 19 vote(s) 32.2%
  1. i just noticed
    AlexHallon likes this.
  2. Do you have any known time for when the bugs will be fixed?
    AlexHallon likes this.
  3. We will change our strategy.
    AlexHallon likes this.
  4. So when will this be redone?
    AlexHallon likes this.
  5. not this weekend i have plans all weekend
    AlexHallon likes this.
  6. and so we wait...
    AlexHallon likes this.
  7. yup. :/
    AlexHallon likes this.
  8. Tick tock tick tock timey whimey timey allonsy allonso :D
    catwarrior7 and AlexHallon like this.
  9. So anyway when will this be held again?
    AlexHallon likes this.
  10. This weekend, thanks for reminding me!
    AlexHallon and RainbowChin like this.
  11. AlexHallon and Kman122000 like this.
  12. Can you give a specific date and time? I have some stuff over the weekend that I can possibly reschedule.
    AlexHallon likes this.
  13. Round 1: Tournament Style

    Here, we will put SMP vs SMP, in the following order. (Tournament Style rounds will be in ARENA 1, when you join the server AND IT IS TIME FOR YOU TO COMPETE, type /sg join 1)
    SMP1 vs SMP2
    SMP3 vs SMP4
    SMP5 vs SMP6
    SMP7 vs SMP8
    SMP9 vs Utopia

    SMP1 vs SMP2: 2:00 PM MDT on Saturday, Feb. 9.
    SMP3 vs SMP4: 2:20 PM MDT on Saturday, Feb. 9.
    SMP5 vs SMP6: 2:40 PM MDT on Saturday, Feb. 9.
    SMP7 vs SMP8: 3:00 PM MDT on Saturday, Feb. 9.
    SMP9 vs Utopia: 3:20 PM MDT on Saturday, Feb. 9.

    Round 2: Deathmatch.

    Next, the winner from each of those (both people from that SMP, even if both were not the last standing, only one has to be left) will go into an arena together, all 5 teams, so 10 players. (The final round will be in ARENA 2, when you join the server AND IT IS TIME FOR YOU TO COMPETE, type /sg join 2)

    The last round, the death match between the 5 remaining servers, will take place at 4:00 PM MDT on Saturday, Feb 9.
    The Server remaining will get the 46,000r SPLIT between the winning Server's players, regardless of if only one player from that Server is still alive at the end.
    AlexHallon likes this.
  14. Can't wait, unless it goes like how it went last time
    AlexHallon likes this.
  15. Mind converting MDT to GMT or CET (Europe) time?
    I don't want to miss this after so much waiting! :D
    Kman122000 and RainbowChin like this.
  16. Idk but it is 3:00pm at the time im posting this
    AlexHallon and RainbowChin like this.
  17. That's not too bad then, it goes to about 9-10PM GMT
    AlexHallon likes this.
  18. :) Glad you could figure it out, I am not good with time zone conversions.
    AlexHallon likes this.
  19. Ugh, I wanted to be on Smp7's team... I been their forevers... :(
    AlexHallon likes this.
  20. 25 more minutes and its time to rock!
    AlexHallon likes this.