[Grief] 1111 Griefing

Discussion in 'Public Member Events' started by Faithcaster, Feb 3, 2013.

  1. And ill still be skiing...... this helped me none ;)
  2. What does CEST mean?
  3. Come Eat Some Tequanos. Its an old Danish saying. /trolololol
  4. Central European Summer Time :)
  5. School...dangit. Maybe go a little later? Like 3 hours?
  6. I will not miss it, nfell probably will as he is banned :confused:
    Edit- Never mind he will probably just use fellyboy's account! :p
  7. What is nfell's ban reason ?
  8. Apparently "scamming"
  9. what! nfell2009 banned! nooooo! Who will spam now? I think I have to replace him
    jtc0999 likes this.
  10. I'm central. What is the difference? 1hr? 2hrs?
  11. 1 hour difference with gmt
  12. nfell2009 is site banned too?
  13. No idea. I just found out about 20 minutes ago.
    Edit: imagskdjnhfgvksjdhfes.jpg
  14. What's the picture :confused: I feel stupid :confused:
  15. Its a train off the tracks stating that the thread has been derailed:p
    creepincreepers7 likes this.
  16. Ah, okay lol
  17. He is not site banmed and is hoping to get a appeal
  18. do u know what he did? Dont tell me scamming because I know that.
  19. One question, sorry for the off-topicness... How long is he banned?