Rupee Count

Discussion in 'Suggestion Box Archives' started by henpenben, Feb 3, 2013.

  1. Number of blocks placed. More than 100 million I'm guessing.
  2. Perhaps not. Have you ever looked at your Minecraft statistics page? It may be possible to transmit some of that information when you log in or out of a server, adding a second or two to your wait. This may already be possible and if not, Mojang adds new things all the time.
  3. Over 9000!?! :eek:

    /clap Just... /clap xD So very well brought, this is Internet skills at its max, ladies and gentlemen.

    About the suggestion, it would help us keep track of how Aikar is fixing or ruining the economy.
    Equinox_Boss likes this.
  4. Well as it is possible to view the total amount of rupees that everyone has altogether, it may put a strain on the servers to have the count constantly refreshing on the site...
  5. They could make it refresh every 10 mins like the TEXP boards
  6. Yeah I suppose that couldn't hurt, I mean TEXP doesn't ;)
  7. I have over 9k rupees, so its not possible that the EMC total rupees is 9001 r ;)
    Lasluin likes this.
  8. It was an EXAMPLE. *facepalm*
    Equinox_Boss likes this.
  9. totally unrelated but I love your Neil deGrasse Tyson quote
    henpenben likes this.
  10. I know, hence the (;))