Hey guys it's my 301st day on EMC (i forgot about yesterday XD) so, since i'm to poor to do a give away, i decided you guys can just ask me anything, i'll give 250r to the best question
Well i started playing runescape when i was around 9, my last name is Roskwitalski, so i tried Rman, of course, that was taken. I just took the first suggestion, which happened to be Rman920. Then later i decided to make a minecraft account, but just a free one, so i named it Rman920. I forgot the password to this account, and it was the year 2011, you i used Rman92011 . Lol, long story, i know XD
Happiest would be my almost-shop finally being almost-done. Saddest being when i somehow had some weird lag and lost about 15000r worth of gear