We've had plenty of kicks and temp bans, and 1 or 2 perm bans. Occasionally when I tell people not to do caps the people will recoil and call me various words not allowed on EMC, and they have gotten bans as well
Lol caps is bad on smp2 when you are giving out free ender pearls because then you'll get like 10 shouts that say "WHAT RES!??!!"
it just shouldn't happen. period. in my opinion, the only way to fix it, is to have a harder tutorial, but that's fun at the same time, so people who join feel challenged, but not over worked.
I've seen people write normal sentences with proper caps and punctuation be told by other players not to use caps or they will be banned. I facepalmed. I think if it's so bad that you're getting warnings from other players, something needs to be said.
And stuff like that, advertising your shop in caps, just really makes people not want to come there since it's like begging for rupees.
I was about to start a thread about this a few days ago, not only because of caps but mostly about all chat rules. I see people using macros to warn about every rule, to be the first one! And that wouldn't be bad if they didn't warn way before the "infractor" has done whatever the "cops" think they're doing wrong enough for it to be considered wrong. And funny how when you tell them they're being excessivley hard with the rules they get offended, so like, they can give warnings but cannot be warned? XD Instead of measuring "wrongdoiness" or putting limits, we should be rational about this, apply the rules with some intelligence and show we are people, not bots. Of course, the staff knows how to do this because they are chosen for it, so the rest of us should think of it twice before acting on behalf of them, even if we have good intentions. There are worse things that are not especifically contemplated in the rules, but I won't go through them to avoid a long discussion here. I just think we should all use a bit of common sense.
I agree with you here. I just think it's the word "no -excessive- ..." that people tend to skip over.
Others just roll their eyes and make inane posts on forums. Would be nice to have a slight amendment to the Commandment so people aren't confusing EMPHASIZED TEXT with actual chat spam.
lol right now there's going on an argument in the chat, two people who have got all others involved in their row. Someone new joined the server after the tutorial and found himself helpless stuck (sometimes happens) and asked for help but I don't think he could read my advice because of all the argument. I asked to keep the chat clear and the fighters to keep their row private three times. Then I thought I would do the little experiment of saying "GUYS PLEASE" and see what people would do. All of them stopped for a second arguing to say "caps", "caps?", "caps please" xDDD It's just too funny.
I don't mind caps in the slightest. I do mind 30 different people trying to play chat police by going "caps", thereby actually spamming chat. To users that do that: if you want to one up other people instead of being helpful, you are spamming. If you actually do want to remind other users of the chat policy, use /tell. Using /tell to PM someone is a good way to make your message stand out since it's pink, while also not adding another useless line of text to town chat (since I assume nobody else needed your advice?)
You are right, I shoulda, I usually do that but thanks for the tip. The point is that the first time he logged in EMC he found that awful row. I think it's very bad image, but as it's not "in the rules" no one takes the time to "warn" others about it or refrain themselves.
Some people enforce the rule of no caps a little too much, even after you say: Sorry that I used caps. I use caps sometimes for jokes and fun, and I always apologize after. Some people though, /tell me saying: Don't use caps, you'll be banned. I've been on EMC for longer then 200 days, and you think I don't know that rule? I hate it how people say: NO CAPS, in caps. It's so ironic, I seriously dislike it. I guess it doesn't really matter for less then three capped words, but more, yes, they should be warned. I'm throwing meh opinion. Well, I pray for no flame war Please no flame war.
If you are gonna apologize, why break the rule in the first place? I think that a simple exclamation point (!!!) gets the job done just fine to show people that you are surprised/freaking out/etc.
Hey guys-get this- caps are just letters that are slightly taller and different. It doesn't really matter. And if you get banned for caps, that's because you're being annoying.