Hi, I just went to the end and somehow spawned where there were no blocks anywhere... and then fell out of the world. I lost a lot of stuff... Also, when I went through the portal, I spawned in a nether portal? instead of wilderness spawn, where I usually come out. I'm wondering if something is broken? Thanks!
That shouldn't happen... Because the End TP Spot is fixed unless some idiot removed the obsidian spawn base.
But it doesn't spawn you on the platform, it spawns you UNDER the middle of the island. I can show you if you want to come on smp9.
Ok here it is: http://youtu.be/J_puxg9lh1I EDIT: It's still being uploaded, wait a few minutes Scratch that, its gonna be a while sorry guys
I've had similar problems. Apparently some of the code EMC gets from other developers was broken. I talked to Aikar: he guy who made the broken code has fixed it, and EMC is just waiting for him to send it along to us for an update. Until then, best of luck... I got stuck in the end myself. oh well. EDIT: I think this is why Justin and Aikar prefer to do all of their own coding...
More specifically this is broken for ALL craftbukkit users. However with the way CB team works... expect other server owners to be broken for a few days
Aikar can't do anything (I think)... it's empire policy not to reimburse for lost items. I, on the other hand, have some money and no problem with it. What'd you lose?
*Note: reimbursements will be done at JabrZer0's discretion and will consist of no more than 5,000 (Five Thousand) rupees, or the equivalent in material goods or services. Yes, I speak legalese.