The 'I Live In The Wild' Thread

Discussion in 'Community Discussion' started by bitfed, Jan 30, 2012.

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  1. Even better to get experience on how to do things better next time. :)
  2. oh imagine the tears when your massive cargo ship hits a lily pad and smashes into little bits causing all your treasure to be scattered across the bottom of the sea.
  3. HAHA lol. Also... How do boats break into sticks if sticks arent used to build them?
  4. Well, when a wooden boat breaks, the planks don't just pop off and sink; the wood splits!
    • Which server you have your wild camp on: Smp2 & 3.
    • Type of Biome you prefer to live in: Desert <3
    • If you live alone/with others: Smp2 Alone :( Smp3 5
    • Why you prefer to live in the wilderness Sense of freedom and enjoyment and using your creativity.
    • Pictures!: None at the moment
    • What kind of things you prefer to do for fun or profit I do it for both fun and profit the walking back kills, but sometimes worth it.
    • Tell us what you've accomplished or what kind of project you are working on
      Finding Island [X]
      Setting up a farm and house [X]
      Getting Residents [ ]
      Building a town centre [ ]
      Town mine [ ]

      Warehouse [X]
      Lighthouse [X]
      Mob Trap [X]
      Slime Spawner [X]
      Town Centre [ ]
    • Quarry [X]
    • Residents [X]
      Castle? [ ]

      More to Come :)
    • Anti-griefing strategies you utilize: Smp2 Secret :p Smp3 Secret :D
  5. I Just finished The lighthouse and now the 2-storey Town Hall, I want to get more people to come out the live with us, we have so far : Xline96, Ftw12, Roflcakes245, Dart55555, ISMOOCH, thecontroller, Juicebox_, Xriku360, The_Drifter92, and Me ofcourse, Some people arent as active as others, I want to get enough people within the Kingdom to have always 1 or more people on at any given time, We do have alot of things out here so if you want to come out and see what its all about, Pm me, Also, when we get enough people we'll hold an election for town mayor, I'll still be King and have a say, but this way I'm not making every decision. Thank you
    bitfed likes this.
  6. I will definitely come check it out sometime soon when I'm not building away.

    We are a democratic society. We have Guidelines, but all are debatable.
  7. I need a wild community
  8. Question to all those who are in a community of some sort, IF the map does reset who is willing to unite into one major community instead of being scattered across EMC servers.

    By this i mean Organizing which server we all go onto, travel as a group ( or try at least) to find ourselves a settlement of our choice. This would require us going on team speak as the 'Local' chat may get annoying to some point, TS would make it easier i would think.

    This is an opportunity to get to know one another and set something up that would be amazing! :p

    Just a thought on this.

    bitfed likes this.
  9. Possibly, I do have a group of about 10 people now in-total i lead I'll think about it if it is reset
  10. But would you give up your kingship for prosperity and settle for the 'lowly' title of mayor is the question in the end, isn't it? ;)
  11. I am unsure of this. He may try to regain his title of "High King" by conquering us lowly serfs. :eek:
  12. Kinda, I guess i would think maybe getting the Community leaders from each group and maybe a Co-Leader to which 'they' devise a plan which then will be relayed onto the others to see if they agree or disagree.
  13. why don't you all be leaders, and then elect a super-leader to lead your leaders. that way everyone gets to be in charge.
  14. I've been thinking about this for a while and the only reason I've not brought it up outside of 1 or 2 people is because it's a bit premature since we don't even know the verdict on a reset, and I felt that everyone is probably attached to their current projects already.

    A proposal I've been meaning to get together is one of a federation of wild colonies.

    Even if there isn't a reset, we could all benefit from communication and a sharing of ideas. Perhaps even culminating in drafting a colonial standard for interactions and commerce.

    The other extension of that was during a conversation about a possible project, it became apparent to me that while it's possible to get by without a monarch, it's important to have people managing the aesthetics of each village/project so in the end you can have a cohesive design standard enforced.

    This could be the position of mayor. One of creativity and responsibility rather than power and authority.
    Ryukk132 likes this.
  15. I don't like the idea of having 'a leader' to say..... Even with the 'leaders' the decision comes down to everyone.... its only a title nothing more. The decision is everyone, not one persons say and then its set in stone, no.

    Theres always ranks.... but in the end the community is ran by the people themselves. 'What is A Town, If It Has No One? " :)
    bitfed likes this.
  16. Well, Bitfed's group is really more a collection of people without a determined leader. I don't really think any of us want to have to answer to a higher power, but I would be down for each group having electives that convene at a predetermined time to go over pressing matters that, as a society, we might face. After the electives have their topics of interest, they can bring it back to their group for further discussion to see how that section of our entire community feels about them. Probably one of the more complicated way of going about things, but in the end, I think it makes everyone happy.
  17. I do agree, but to some point. It makes it harder to construct and plan things as we'll be running back and forwards to some point if we are a 'civilization' we shall act like it? I think this may be the big one to overcome as some people want power while others just relax.

    When the time comes, if the reset happens i guess we'll find out from there :)
  18. If executed correctly, I think it will really help our society bloom into something great. The more planning that goes into a project, the more likely it'll turn out awesome, right?
  19. I can't relax while I don't have a weighted say in how I'm allowed to play the game.

    Don't forget we have the forums. In. A traditional society you need powerful administrators centralized. But we have the internet (forums) and we already have administrators of power on EMC, we just need creative organizers to enable others who just want to play and be a part of something without having to think it all out.

    I see no reason why these individuals should also pretend to be moderators of behavior, because in the end they are incapable of actually taking up arms and protecting the community.

    We need managers, not executives.

    As far as a colonial federation in the time being, I see no reason to require any members to change the way they govern until our world comes to an end, and at that point, it will be down to what the majority of players want to do to move on from there, as usual.
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