[auction]Double Chest of Iron blocks

Discussion in 'Auction Archives' started by Deathtomb8953, Jan 11, 2013.

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  1. Wait No that's right
  2. well is isnt going very fast shall i speed it up a little?

  3. WHAT 72 HOURS? plzz out bid me i regret
  4. if only i had the rupees to bid on this and 72 hours seems fair a lot of the higher up auctions have that duration and considering this go for 200k yeah i would say ......worth it!
    Deathtomb8953 likes this.
  5. only cause you won my last big one for 185 which was a steal
  6. 66k

    Only 'cos I'm nice :)
    Jcplugs likes this.
  7. Lol alex is coming back cause he lost the last auction with a dc of iron blocks :3
  8. 67000 rupees
  9. Put in a request to have op changed to 24 hours for auction duration for the people that feel its too long enjoy!

    and Alexchance in the lead with 66k
  10. scratch that 67k bid was posted same time as me
    in the lead
  11. 140k
    Deathtomb8953 likes this.
  12. 4.5 r per ingot at the bid
  13. I don't really want this now.
    D: Either way It's really good profit, just too much work.. Selling 31104 ingots..
  14. Jeezus! That's a BUNCH of iron.
    TheSpyPie likes this.
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