Show Yourself 2.0!

Discussion in 'Miscellaneous' started by IcecreamCow, May 4, 2012.

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  1. no, it doesn't, ... also, try having a desktop that can't be turned sideways. i think i may have broke my neck.
    nfell2009 likes this.
  2. Are you on windows?
    Ctrl-Alt-Left Arrow Key
    Jcplugs likes this.
  3. yes, but it doesn't work, well, i didn't try it on anything else, just the photo. lol
  4. If it did work it would flip your entire screen to the direction pressed.
    Buy, anyway, we are sort of deviating of the purpose of this thread I feel :)
  5. Strongly considering doing one of these....
    battmeghs likes this.
  6. DO it!
    penfoldex and battmeghs like this.
  7. ZBSDKryten and penfoldex like this.
  8. You are so pretty :)
    HxCami10, battmeghs and nick_godoy like this.
  9. Meh; My most recent picture xD

    Edit: Ew. It's huge xD
  10. Anybody I have on skype will know what I look like...sorta. I had my hair spiked on that day and it was really hot so my mouth was weird after drinking too much juice and coke and lucozade in the profile picture....
  11. you haz a skype?! addz meh : dylan_frenette
  12. Ah, I see you are enjoying the wonderful world of braces right now.
  13. And I will be experiencing them when my back teeth come through...
  14. My gawd.
  15. I remember having braces. Not in a nice nostalgia way of remembering things, but more of a memory of a horrible experience. The best part is getting impressions done... and by best I mean one of the worst experiences of my life.
  16. Reposting a picture from few months ago.
  17. Why'd you say that? xD
    Gap542 likes this.
  18. Sopwetty.
  19. Love it! <3 Go my BFF!!
    Jcplugs likes this.
  20. Why not I post again sense everyone else is :p
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