Bit weird, but looks nice Its amazing! Can I be incharge of nothing and yet be king! Some of them! Only the ones that poo on my land.
How does it feel to be one of the most known spammers on EMC? *based purely on your Post-to-Like Ratio. Which you took the liberty of pointing out in game
It feels good with attention! And you said its low ratio other people were talking about it. Im, very talk-a-tive
Can you randomly give me 1k although it wouldn't really be random considering I'm asking you to give me 1k randomly?
Why is your pic a dog? Why do you post so much? How many rupees do you have? Do you like farting cats? Have you watched nyan cat? What is a nyan cat? Are you a troll? Thoughts on lava walls? Is nyan cat amusing to you? Is keyboard cat real or fake? Do you enjoy the use of dogs in minecraft? Do you enjoy the use of cats in minecraft? Is your favorite movie secondhand lion? Have you ever seen secondhand lion? Do you like lions? Do you like cats? Are you a billionare? Do you live in Antarctica? Is Australia and the Pacific considered a continent to you? Do you like Sydney, Australia? That's all I got for now, something to keep you busy... You should have seen my AMA... it was insane.
I love her Because I love to 2m + Not really Yes! A rainbow pooing chat thats a pop tart Nah Funny how he failed :') Its amazingly funny Never know? I hate it when they die >.> I bond with them! Never tamed one xD Nope Nope Nah Nah Nope but I won 3k on the lotto Nope UK Dunno Never visited