just joined

Discussion in 'Introduce Yourself' started by rsisnew3034, Dec 26, 2012.

  1. Welcome to the empire! I'm iCurtis23 and I hope you stay with emc for a while! These are the best servers known to block.
  2. I'd check your facts before making a statement like that.
    Welcome to EMC! I'm glad you enjoy yourself.
  3. Man you have been here for only a couple days and you almost have more likes than me...:cool:
    (Me- almost 400 days)
    creepincreepers7 likes this.
  4. Welcome dude I have never met before! My name is Gwormn. The N is silent but makes a noise when you drop it.
  5. Welcome to EMC, i am generalfelino015, but you can just say me gen or felino, if you need help in the wild or want to explore i am that explorer you need.
  6. No correcting correction please.
    No brain hurting please.
    No multiple quoting please.
    creepincreepers7 likes this.
  7. No correcting about correcting peoples corrections!
  8. I hope you enjoy your time on EMC! It is full of awesome people and great staff! ^.^
  9. Welcome to the Empire! :cool:

  10. Sir Trolling.gif
  11. Here in the Empire te server trolls You!
  12. Someone had to say it :p
  13. I feel this has become a random thread... Sorry rsisnew lol
  14. Not because i like correction buuuut
    You are not the oldest, you are one of the oldest :D
  15. Dont forget, that /p hasn't always been around, so Hash98 could be the oldest but thestar19 could be another old player :)
  16. Could be true, but i am pretty sure Justin is older than hash =p
  17. -.- You dont say?
    creepincreepers7 likes this.
  18. Yes, Justin is for sure older than me, but when I joined a new every member on the server since we didn't have very much, and I don't remember star being around, but he may, so what can I say?
  19. I'm sorry Meghs, but chascarillo and I argue over everything.
  20. Welcome to the community friend. I'm always up for hunting and farming for maths if you need a companion SMP2 3085 - 3179 :)