[AUCTION] 10 - Efficiency V and Unbreaking III - Diamond Pickaxes

Discussion in 'Auction Archives' started by AlexC__, Dec 25, 2012.

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  1. Uhoh, we're bringing out the big guns
  2. stahp azricer lol 42k
  3. never :) 50k
    AlexChance likes this.
  4. hmm are these picks worth 5k each hmmm, i may be back with a bid
  5. We're currently at 50k each. These picks will break wool, sandstone and more almost instantly. Planning a demolishing? Want to give a few friends one each for Christmas! Super good picks right here!
  6. Sweet I won :) I'll pay in a few seconds
  7. The Effeicincy 5 Has no use against Stone or cobblestone, Eff. 4 does it the same speed. This is only rescommended for obsidian, but it only makes it slightly better, compared w/ the Eff. 4 Pickaxe. This only has a faster speed on obsidian, and ores, but it isn't that much faster compared to the Eff. 4 Pick. Go to the Minecraft Wiki For more Info.
    (www.minecraftwiki.net) Not trying to ruin this auction, just putting a word out there that Eff.5 Isn't as fast as you think it is.
  8. ...Thanks but no thanks lol. But it's faster on wool too.
    Congratulations, chest will be up at 4006 :)
  9. Picked up :) Thank you AC

    AlexChance likes this.
  10. :p You could brag about having the Pickaxes.
  11. This also xD I'll keep it for my next one :D
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