[AUCTION] 10 - Efficiency V and Unbreaking III - Diamond Pickaxes

Discussion in 'Auction Archives' started by AlexC__, Dec 25, 2012.

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    DESCRIPTION: 10 diamond pickaxes with the enchantments of Efficiency V and Unbreaking III
    STARTING BID: 8,000R
    ENDING TIME: 24 hours after the last official bid.


    Good luck and happy bidding.
  2. I was excited about bidding, then I saw the starting bid...
    deathconn and B4DMAN5IMON like this.
  3. Well below the value :3 Don't worry, I won't hurt you if you decide to bid ;)
    Keep it up and they'll be yours in no time :)
    B4DMAN5IMON likes this.
  4. It will hurt my rupee account ;)
    thestar19 likes this.
  5. oh sorry ill thougt this was EFF V UNBR III Silktouch I...
  6. 10k
    AlexChance likes this.
  7. You're lucky that someone outbid you :)
  8. 13,000r
  9. 28k
    AlexChance likes this.
  10. :-P 32k
    AlexChance likes this.
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