Has This Ever Happened to You

Discussion in 'Community Discussion' started by talukegord, Dec 23, 2012.

  1. By the way, casino royale is a pretty good movie
    Jimbonothing64 likes this.
  2. IF andy is telling the truth, then yes, I think he should be fine. Bushy deserves it though. One important thing to remember with this is that I am getting all of my info from andy, and although I trust andy very much, the information may be biased and the mod's are the only ones who could really tell
  3. Yeah I get what your saying he may be turning it around to make him look good or he may be genuinely telling the truth ;)
  4. wait, so is exploiting shop weaknesses because they didn't price well bannable?

    I did it one day because I was desperate and the guy (and half of smp5) hated me:
    Iron: 16 Ingots for 80 rupees
    (brings sticks)
    Rails: Buy price: 16 for 102ish Sell price: 16 for 92ish
    That one he wasnt mad about but this one really made him mad
    (buys blaze rods for 9 rupees each elsewhere)
    buys cobble 1 stack for 16 rupees
    masses brewing stands
    sells each for 20 rupees
    20 mins later
    half of smp5 is hating on me
    learns lesson and returns money but cant find partners in crime to return
    dude figures out the guy who sold us blaze rods and got himself a temp ban by swearing
    moral of story, dont exploit anything

    that was... 5-7 months ago i think when i was a little more popular
  5. That is not the same thing that happened to those guys, Its a completely different thing. What you did as far as I know is not necessarily bannable just frowned upon
  6. I am definitely leaning towards the innocent side though :)
    Jimbonothing64 likes this.
  7. The positive side, why not :D
    mba2012 likes this.