Interactive game

Discussion in 'Miscellaneous' started by hothead2098, Dec 10, 2012.

  1. But first, some kids from a nearby village throw pie at you.
    Chascarrillo and southpark347 like this.
  2. You wipe the pie off nfell's face and have a laugh while you read through this thread.
  3. The world then implodes because you read something that had not happened yet.. :(:p
  4. But you then remember YOU HAVE A TARDIS! So you've just traveled in time.
    catwarrior7 likes this.
  5. But then, the legandary pokemon of time, Arceus, prevent you from travel back in time you travel back to the future which was your presnt 6 pages ago. Then, you go back in time, the time you before you traveled into time. You meet you grandfather.
  6. Arceus? Da faw? You do mean Mewtwo right...
    Equinox_Boss likes this.
  7. Hmm, your right. I got mixed up because Arceus was born before time therefor I thought he would be a time god.
  8. If anything mew was before time.
  9. Then you realize that the Pokemon of Time is Dialga the Pokemon God Arceus and the most Badass legendary Mewtwo!
    Equinox_Boss likes this.
  10. :O theres little link in your signature!
  11. Then the genie appears again, you ask him...
  12. You ask him to make you wake up because you know by now that this has all been a dream but he says......
  13. That he is a dream and your are really in Justin guys secret layer on SMP-1 and your are drinking some health potions, then you realize that's a dream and you go down to the local super market and by a gallon of milk for cereal.
  14. This gallon of milk seems to be magic but you notice the label on the gallon, " ICC's juice!" You then back away then suddenly........
  15. Morph into a large rampaging tortoise.
  16. But get killed by green ants.
  17. Green ants turn into lego minifigures. Nfell stomps on them and gets hurt badly :p
  18. Then Nfell turns into a Lego Man! :O
  19. And then you go to the toilet, but I'm not talking about what you did there.
  20. But I will, nfell2009 pulls all the ants from his feet and eats the.