
Discussion in 'Miscellaneous' started by Bugmo1207, Nov 13, 2012.

  1. I dont like it how when you download this mod everyone looks like a pony too.
  2. hey jaya. go into the minelittlepony folder and go to mobs. use the skins there as your template
    battmeghs likes this.
  3. Best mod ever, lol.
  4. thanks. great. now i am finding myself uploaded each one onto minecraft, just so i can find which one is my favorite. >.<
  5. Change ponylevel to 1 in the .txt file in your mods folder. Then users of the mod appear as ponies, and those who don't use the mod appear as humans.
    Those who watch the show will get this, once you read the sign to the left.
  6. i've already uploaded 65 skins... =\ this is insane, i think i classify now.
  7. Who'd you pick?
  8. i still have like, 25 left. >.< i cannot stop until i look at them all!
  9. Is there one that would match my cape?
  10. Look for King Sombrero Sombra if you can find him, he has a cape a lot like that.
  11. I did that, searched through almost all the skins, and couldnt find one that matched my cape.
  12. Yes, but his cape is solid red, it doesnt have a Zelda skull on it.
  13. Really?!

    It seems like it'd be a pretty close match to me.
    Well close enough!
  14. Thanks for the help, Ill try it.
  15. WHat skin number is tthe King Sombra one anyway?
  16. So, I turned the pony level down to 1 like you sadi, and it changed my skin too.
  17. You need to have one active yourself I think. I don't know.
  18. Have one what activated?