The EMC Map

Discussion in 'Community Discussion' started by RainbowChin, Nov 12, 2012.


Good Idea?

Yes 81 vote(s) 79.4%
No 5 vote(s) 4.9%
Maybe So 16 vote(s) 15.7%
  1. Added mine :) first west coaster woot!
  2. Very cool. I'm in.
  3. qaq.JPG
    My earlier prediction is close to coming wrong :p
    Only a little movement east, let's try and get more people on there, 20 so far :p
  4. I threw mine up there. If any other Moderators decide to do it - I found the Tree Green Looked the best (If you want to match)
  5. Legit is forever alone in Canada.
  6. Added mine. I did move so I'm not quite exactly where I say I am but it's as close as I really wanna get.
  7. That's fine, add as close as you want to
    creepincreepers7 likes this.
  8. added mine (but not address thats a bit much...)
    creepincreepers7 likes this.
  9. Again, you don't have to, the nearest town or city would do.
  10. Thats what i did :) Colorado Springs, Colorado.
  11. wonderful idea!
    now i can stalk everyone, mwahahahahahaahahaahahahahahhahaahahha *cough cough*
  12. Done! It wouldn't let me be vague, so i lied a bit and said i lived in DC.
  13. Okey Dokey, I went ahead and added profile pictures to almost everyone's markers.
    You can change it to something else if you want of course.
    pietdagamer likes this.
  14. Im on the west coast.
  15. Is yours the one titled; "my hometown"?
  16. liar. You don't live in a state bordering the west coast. You aren't even in Pacific time
  17. yes
  18. Usernames as titles, grrrr :p
  19. I added, try and find me ;)