Discussion in 'Community Discussion' started by jtc0999, Oct 29, 2012.

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  1. i am holding a memorial service for my friend that killed himself in about 10-20min depending how soon people show up. it will be about 5-10min long, and it would mean so much to me if you could come. my res # is 10767 on smp5.
    AlexChance, 5weety and coffee_bullet like this.
  2. I'm curious as to why you're doing this on a server with random people - it doesn't make much sense.
    coffee_bullet likes this.
  3. this person ment a lot to me, and i want a good service to say goodbye to him
    5weety and coffee_bullet like this.
  4. this is the only server that i can trust not to make fun of, insult, or dishonor me or my friend
    AlexChance, 5weety, penfoldex and 2 others like this.
  5. there was a real funeral, but i want other people to come and get to know God so this will not happen again
    5weety and coffee_bullet like this.
  6. it said not to make fun of religon. not to not talk about it
    5weety and coffee_bullet like this.
  7. 6. Thou Shalt Be Respectful And Tolerant Of Race, Ethnicity, Religion, Gender, And Sexual Orientation

    Racial, ethnic, religious, and sexual harassment (including harassment of homosexuals), and hate speech, will not be tolerated.

    Also guys, maybe he came to EMC because he needs someone, he just lost a friend. Put yourself in his shoes. Maybe he doesn't know exactly how to go about it?
    Pab10S, penfoldex, 5weety and 2 others like this.
  8. I'm just going to lock this before it escalates. I hope the service you held was everything you needed it to be jtc0999, grieve in your own way mate, don't let anyone tell you how you should deal with it. That being said though, i would advise you to be aware of your feelings and emotions. I would hate for you to snap at someone for saying or doing something which may trigger an outburst which could potentially get you banned. Grief can make you do strange things, so look after yourself. :)
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