Double Chest Of Eye Of Ender

Discussion in 'Auction Archives' started by michael102, Oct 22, 2012.


What Will You Do with These?

Find Strongholds. 10 vote(s) 90.9%
Stock Shop 3 vote(s) 27.3%
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  1. Hehe, i actually plan on donating them to the LLO if i win, so that they have all the eyes of ender that they need for portal finding, or enderchests:)
    penfoldex likes this.
  2. Well thats nice of you :D
    jkjkjk182 likes this.
  3. I will donate 2k to you if you need help winning!
    jkjkjk182 likes this.
  4. Oh no, i dont need any help:D But thanks for the offer:)
    penfoldex likes this.
  5. We may have an issue here.
    michael102 and I thought the auction was over, and paid and delivered it.
    If we were off an hour, we need confirmation from a moderator, and then moderator help about what to do next.
    Rupees and items were paid and deliverd.
    Vault fees incurred.
    Some of Eye of Enders already used.
    michael102 please weigh in on this, you were online recently.
    Has anyone ever had this situation? I have not.
  6. Do you need them all? I dont believe the mods need to be involved, as we can probably work this out on our own:)
  7. ok, we can split if you want.
  8. What smp?
  9. It seems the auction was ended about 1/2 an hour prematurely. Seeing as though the transaction has already taken place, it would be a lot of mucking about to restore the auction to an active status. Cadgamer101 seems willing to share the winnings, which is probably the best outcome possible, so if you guys could arrange that transaction in a PM it would be best. :)

    In the future please take a little more care when it comes to finalising auctions. Using the timestamp of each post in the thread is the best way to ensure an accurate passage of time. :)
    jkjkjk182 and penfoldex like this.
  10. Thanks, and sorry for my part in making a bit of a mess.
    I am on smp4 now.
  11. I'm sorry guys. I had to get off because I had to go to the hospital for my dad. Sorry for the inconvenience.
  12. I have PMed cad about the splitting, so there isnt an issue anymore:)
  13. Ok, thanks, so auction thread can be closed.
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