Weather in Town

Discussion in 'Suggestion Box Archives' started by Jakebag, Oct 28, 2012.


Do you think we should have weather in town?

Yes 24 vote(s) 64.9%
No 13 vote(s) 35.1%
  1. Yea, I would like it too snow, Silk Touch and get some snow! :)
  2. We simply don't want to have to ignore the most annoying thing in the game, and try to listen to our friends on Skype while talking. Picture this- a random guy comes up to you and screams "POTATOES!!!!!!!" while you are calmy walking to work, you would think "Would this guy shut up?" But he doesn't. However I am not going to argue with people who like rain, or snow, so I would say just add a command like "/downfall off" that disables lightning, snow, and rain only for that user.
  3. Weather is a pain.
    ItsMeMatheus and zombieslayer010 like this.
  4. good idea, but the only reason i would say no is because some people cannot venture into the wild, because of the lag the rain causes. not a problem for me, but it may make EMC unplayable for players using older machines.
    PenguinDJ and zombieslayer010 like this.
  5. I was going to say that, mr. justice
  6. Wales wont be busy? Im going on holiday to my Holiday Home :D I got a whole week :D
  7. Who wants to see the mods "dress up" as mobs and go crazy like they did on April Fools? ;)
    NINJATTILA likes this.
  8. I missed that :(
  9. Where you going in wales? South i guess? Yep it probably wont be to busy but some schools are different to others so i dont know
    Jakres likes this.
  10. Nah North, Porthmadog
  11. Oh very nice. Been porthmadog its a nice place. Most people go south for holidays thats why i said south. I live about a 2hour drive from there.
    Jakres likes this.