Mexico begins to border the outlines of the country and armed military troops guard them. Mexico sends an alliance request to the UK.
UK Sends 100 robots but warns of malfuction due to a unknown virus that has hit the UK UK Now is making software to kill the virus from computers. The virus book: Virus Name: EyeOfFire Creator: Unknown First Hit: UK Effects: Steals information and locks user out of computer Affected: 1,000 People as the virus was contained. All software platforms are open for it. (Win, Mac, Linux.)
UK Wishs to ally with Sweden, hoping for a way to trade. UK would love to buy vegetables from you as we can only grow for parts of the year. We will do a trade: Every 100 tons we will send 1 Hi-Tech trade boat
Sweden accepts the alliance with United Kingdom, offering a trade, 1,000 Tree Logs for 4 Hi-Tech Boats. Sweden starts researching an upgraded version of the weapon Project 90.
UK Accepts both offers and sends the boats UK Has finished destroying the virus and updated its software against it. UK Sends this warning message: WARNING: A very clangorous virus is somewhere on the internet and can lock out the user, UK recommends updating your operating system of download for free: UK Anti-Virus ORUK Operating System We are now looking into planes and how to upgrade them and ask other countries about new weapons they are devolping
Sweden sends the Logs to UK and hopes to trade more in the future. Sweden sends a Diplomat to Mexico in order to hopefully set up an Alliance. Sweden finishes research on the upgraded Project 90, starting to Mass-Produce it. Sweden starts to research better Armour, to protect Soldiers in Battles.
NZ sends a camel stock worth over to the small islands in the pacific. Nz flushes them with agent orange killing all wildlife and trees. The tanks are exposed on the third island they try.. NZ converts all of its 300 rescue helicopters into deadly warmachines. Each loaded with 4 inch machine guns (bullets are 4" wide) 1 bullet per seccound fate of fire. They are fitted with 4 missiles and 2 anti tank bombs...
War has been started between Canada and NZ! Canada starts mass recruitment of soldiers. Canada starts outfitting Harpers with a 100MM gun and thicker armour.
UK Wants to stay out the war but if either country goes into: Spain or Sweden, then UK will get involved using full force to suppress either side EDIT: UK Has big plans at the next World Leaders meeting