Dragon Signatures

Discussion in 'Miscellaneous' started by _removed_userwefwewe, Jul 14, 2012.

  1. OR they bred it and didnt have room for another egg.
  2. 2nd time I've gotten a off the ap...
  3. Can't breed s.
    SoulPunisher likes this.
  4. and then you find out you cant breed cheeses....
  5. I was thinking that as i posted it... but i meant for other types of "rarish" dragons too. Ive released like 5 striped into the AP cuz i didnt have space :confused:
  6. ooohhhh..... oooohhhhh.... like meh?? ;)
  7. I still want a tinsel...
  8. Need a group name, what should it be?
  9. narthog. im gonna do a diff name group every 50 dragons :)
  10. Jierda is taken. By me.
    But, you could choose:

    My ideas here, feel free to use them.
  11. I just name all of my same species dragons the same thing with a roman numeral after it. Example:
    and .

  12. A rare twist on a common dragon.
    SoulPunisher likes this.
  13. Happy birthday to me, just missed a leetle tree.
    (No, it isn;t my birthday.)
  14. Wow, first time since I started that I have no eggs. Time to go get some!

    I saw a Magma on the AP. Just saying.
  15. People who are lactose intolerant
    Heh, qwerty you still want mah tinsel?
    And I have given golden wyvern eggs away in the ap, also black dragons too.
    Qwerty189 likes this.
  16. What's the price for a Tinsel anyway? I may be interested in one...
  17. 6 million rupeez.
    I might want a few rare or uncommon eggs for one.
  18. Okay, that I could make work, probably. Anything specific?
  19. Heh, 2 thunders and 2 magmas :p
  20. Just got an Albino with 11h and 4 views on it. Can those even be neglected?