Dragon Signatures

Discussion in 'Miscellaneous' started by _removed_userwefwewe, Jul 14, 2012.

  1. My fall army is just getting started. As of this post, I have two adults, one hatchie, and two eggs.
  2. You can't hope to defeat my rising Pillow army! (Put a large space for the fun of it.)
  4. Revealed?

  5. Hmm, I dont know, I think I might just get a tinsel egg and abandon it, or even better, just kill it.
  6. No! No! No! Give it to me!
  7. My lrgest army is either a vine or a black.
  8. Red, I'm not an idiot. I know u can't breed Dino's, cheeses, papers, and other genderless dragons. Who'll trade me a fall for something?
  9. It's a rare :p
  10. Well If I just want to be nice and give it to someone who might not have rares like me?
  11. Just caught an Ochedrake hatchie off the AP with 20 hours left. I *might* freeze it as zombie fodder. Advice?
    SoulPunisher likes this.
  12. I had one, it grew up. #uselessadvice
  13. No, just try to either neglect it or get a hatchie.
  14. So do I begin zombie fodding? hmm...
  15. No thanks.
  16. Whoa, awesome luck. Both my Pillow hatchies are male, and they weren't influenced!
  17. Got this off the AP! :D
    Who even abandons these? :confused:
  18. Someone either:
    • Really generous,
    • or really stupid.