They said in the video on that link that it was meant to be a joke. Yet again, another example that what kids think is an innocent joke goes horribly wrong.
Don't know why, but this thread reminded me of this:
Well, some kid was expelled about a year ago near bonfire night. He set a firework off next to the school, blew off a chunk of the science block wall. Some kid also had a mini-dynamite. It blew up in an English classroom and they need a new table and chair. There was also somebody caught smoking in the toilets and somebody brought a BB Gun and shot a bird on the school premises. He also got some Year 10 kid in the face with it.
My county is so quiet when it comes to this, that a prolonged fight between two girls made it on the news! This all seems really ridiculous.
Well, apparently, the students were blocking off the rescue teams and stuff, and were just standing by and watching. I think thats why it made it on the news. Must have been a slow news day. That fight is forever known as, "That fight that got on the news".
Someone got stabbed at my school, then 2 years later up my road and then the next night a drugs raid the next 5 police cars after a fight breaks out. 2 Of the houses have caught fire, this is just the last 2 years!
Wow the guy who did it deserves to be locked up so his genes don't spread to the future generation. On the side note: Apparently the bottle the filled with water. OKay then how can you explain all the people being sick?
I'm not taking up for the kid but there is a Psychological thing where you can convince yourself that something you ate made you sick. We had a roommate who refused to eat some ground beef we got because to him it looked funny and he claimed it was spoiled. We put it in something we fixed and when he realized which ground beef we used he worried so bad about it that he convinced himself he was sick and was sick the next day when we were just fine. I do the same thing with chicken on the bone, I get to the gross part near the bone and freak out that I'm eating raw chicken and make myself feel sick. If the kid did have a bottle of water and squirted it in there, then when the official announced it like was quoted: "We knew it was kind of serious because (the school official) was kind of freaking out a little bit over the announcement" people could have panicked and convinced themselves they ate contaminated salad dressing.
Did you know that, drinking something with a texture of sick will make your body reject what your eating and be sick
Random TV Show Its due to the texture and the body thinking you've gone wrong and eating sick so it doesn't want to digest it so it sick's more up to get rid of what your eating, or gags
If I understand what you're saying, the body thinks you've eaten vomit so it makes you vomit up more? What the fudgesticks?
Think of it like this. You download a food texture pack and then you find zombie flesh and eat it but with the texture pack you think its beef but your body is like THATS FREAKING FLESH! and it makes you puke. Wait... that doesnt make sense
i sold silly bands in 8th grade when they where popular. i got them banned cause of that, but at least i got a good 100 some bucks out of it gullible kids.