YouTube the Empire - Voting

Discussion in 'Community Discussion' started by JackBiggin, Oct 2, 2012.


Which video is your favourite? Choose wisely, you only have one vote.

Poll closed Oct 16, 2012.
1 9 vote(s) 5.8%
2 9 vote(s) 5.8%
3 28 vote(s) 18.2%
4 95 vote(s) 61.7%
5 13 vote(s) 8.4%
  1. why was my video not in this? i put it in the original thread! i put alot of effort into it and its not included? :(

    EDIT: i thought we only had to post it in the comments section, is it to late to add it? i put alot of effort into it
  2. I voted for #4, simply because it was the only video representing what you can do on EMC. The other videos didn't give attention to most of the custom features of EMC, which is the most important in attracting new members! EMC is not the same as other servers, but you'll have to show people why.

    Congrats with having my vote mark :)
  3. I abstain from this vote.. :cool:
  4. My personal opinions on the videos:

    1. You could have put more effort into the video, perhaps look around on the live map for good residences or even ask around on the different servers. Not edited very well, there were some parts in the video where I could see straight through the world where you haven't given your computer enough time to load the chunk before recording.
    2. This video has been edited quite well with only a few noticeable mistakes. Perhaps showcasing more of what EMC is about more than just a dance floor with people doing random things on it would have been better. Good filming and playback quality!
    3. Good quality, Interesting residence choices to showcase. How did you manage to fly lol? Well edited very little to no mistakes!
    4. Great video! Awesome quality and stunning timing with sounds. Great choice of residences to showcase. No editing mistakes noticeable! Shows off EMC's features!
    5. Long but entertaining. Not much editing although the style of video you filmed doesn't really require much. Not exactly a short trailer of such for the server.
    marknaaijer and bloodra1n like this.

  5. this was my video that i forgot to enter properly, it was put on the original thread a month back, its to bad i forgot because i thought i would of had a good chance of winning
  6. Video 4 definitely caught my attention the most. It moved at a pace that kept my mind from wandering and I think showed the potential of how good the Empire experience can be. Claim your place, work hard and build something that leaves jaws on the floor. Felt kind of like a movie trailer. :D
    marknaaijer likes this.
  7. Ok, vid 3 "flying!!"? Hacking.
  8. No You can download the world Using a mod a can't remember the name right now :p
    Tehwafflez likes this.
  9. Warning: Turn down the volume prior to opening video 5. I jumped out of my seat... Headphone users will potentially require hearing aides if advice is ignored.

    Video 4 was my favorite. Short, to the point, interest was held long enough and provided links to our community in the video. I enjoyed it the most.
    mba2012 and marknaaijer like this.
  10. number 3 was filmed in creative mod in single player, he used an approved mod called world downloader, i have used it many times.
  11. Can I Has A Cookie For reading all the rules?
  12. Thanks for having nice feedback on my video! I appreciate it! :D
  13. I don't wanna scare you here, but I think you might have won.
  14. Oh noes, did I won?

    Ot is still 1,5 weeks left, lol :p
  15. Unless the community has a massive change of heart, I think it's in the bag.
    marknaaijer likes this.
  16. Sorry. Yes, it's too late to add it for voting. Since you didn't enter properly, your name wasn't on my list. I will, however, include a link to it in the OP. :)
  17. Mark has my mark on the voting list. It is short, too the point, and shows off EMC's features. I decided to vote for him because #5...
    Well, don't get me wrong, it was a cool and different video, but it was long and didn't show off EMC's features well enough.

    Good luck everybody, you did great :)
    xI_LIKE_A_PIGx and marknaaijer like this.
  18. Not siding at anyone mainly because i dont know you people but i have to say #4 I almost good enough to be a TV ad for Minecraft but I see most of your videos have tooken a while to make so great job everyone
    marknaaijer likes this.
  19. just wondering how would the staff check to see if we used an alt?
  20. Well... they check the list of people who voted, then it's checked against the list of alts (or however the magical alt detection systems work). It doesn't matter how they will, all that matters is that they can - and by saying that, I suspect you're going to try and do so...