Sticky pistons aren't pulling gravel?

Discussion in 'Empire Help & Support' started by AlexC__, Sep 30, 2012.

  1. I know, it was part of the update yesterday. I was the one to ask aikar on SMP5 yesterday. I personally am not very happy with it. I think that it is not fair to those making sand doors and other redstone contraptions. My only solution to this is to make only sand not be able to be pulled by stick pistons, because in all honesty who is going to make a gravel generator...
    S_R_L_B likes this.
  2. Well I agree with your who is gonna make gravel generators xD,
    But for all my secret doors and stuff I would prefer sand over gravel any day.
  3. It will be fixed. There was a new dup glitch running around and Aikar killed it quickly. He will tweak it tonight to where it should allow machines to work, but not generators. :)
    AlexChance likes this.
  4. I mentioned last night I will work on this some more this evening.

    We're trying to combat sandgens since Mojang isnt... but I understand for porticullus's this can be frustrating so I Will work on it to not hurt as much.

    With my intended change, please ensure there is at least 1 different block between the sand and the piston (sand is not the first block on the piston)

    Gravel I will remove the restriction from.

    I understand this may require some people to redesign, but I think its a decent compromise for now, or, you can put


    I'll toy with some ideas to try not to break anything "normal" but still get our root goal.
    mba2012 and nfell2009 like this.
  5. I think its just a bug with one of the plugin. Or maybe they just disabled it? Its probably a bug
  6. Yeah. I have a gate that uses sand and it won't work now.
  7. This is great, cheers. :) Can you let us know when it's updated? :D
  8. Sand and gravel wont work? That explains it... darn.
  9. The sand and gravel issue seems to be fixed, however, another issue arises.

    When two pistons (Either type) facing each other with a 2 block gap in between them are extended, they will not retract.

    A simple design illustrating the problem. When the button is pushed, both pistons will extend and should retract once the redstone signal is gone.

    After button is pushed, both pistons extend and did not retract afterwards.

    I've only tested this in SMP3's town, but it works on single player.
  10. Hmm, does it work with a different block in the gaps? (Not air)
  11. Doesn't seem so. This only occurs when 2 extended piston arms are extended while facing each other.
  12. Ah man so thats how that would work.

    I'll tweak it once more to stop that as I Ddint need to put that there but thought that might also kill any other dupe methods and future ones.
  13. After all that... farm still broken lol.
  14. At one time I was playing around with an idea to use sand or gravel to push logs into a block. There were a couple of problems I was never able to work out so I would be interested in seeing this if you are doing something similar.
  15. I just noticed the wording on this -- when it comes to dupes we are not vanilla :p

    But regardless, EMC is not pure vanilla. We try to stick to vanilla as close as possible, but will deviate where it makes sense for the best of the gameplay for everyone (TNT blocked to non diamond, Fire Charge not firable by dispensers)

    Blocking major dupe exploits (the new one could be used for more then just sand...) is WAY more important than automated tree farms.

    I will push a final change to this later today, and that state will then be the final, as this change should hopefully block future dupe issues (it detects weird situations with pistons and will delay the retraction until the weirdness is gone)

    This is a "oh that makes sense" kind of change, and Mojang should add this to Vanilla...

    Basically it boils down to sticky pistons are trying to retract a moving piston arm... and due to the nature of how pistons work, this is what causes dupe issues (Pistons "intentionally" break alot of crap, corrupt data, etc, then when they are done they uncorrupt the data. Pistons are sooooo broken)

    The change will simply stop this, so pistons can not try to pull moving piston parts. This shouldnt impact a majority of machines, and if it does, the machine is too risky to begin with as it could dupe items, and will have to remain broken/be improved to not rely on super risky piston behavior.
  16. I suppose. Of course, I know we're not vanilla, "chocolate vanilla" probably. Anyway, it works with gravel which is fine, just the clock is messing up lol.
  17. Good news, new change has really put some damage out on sandgens :)

    We have some test builds (for staff to see what they look like to look for) and every single one of them (at least I believe) is busted and no longer works!
    jkjkjk182 likes this.
  18. I couple weeks ago I kept having this thing happen to me on the Smp's where every time I activated a piston or sticky piston it just turned invisible and wouldn't let me delete it.
  19. that was our infamous "block x" bug, which is fixed now.

    basically, 1 person had pistons that bugged the server and that broke EVERY "Tile Entity" on that world (town), including furnaces and such too.
  20. Did some one do this accidentally or was it intentional?
    nfell2009 likes this.