Dragon Signatures

Discussion in 'Miscellaneous' started by _removed_userwefwewe, Jul 14, 2012.

  1. I got some kind of weird floating magenta egg.
  2. Once my Fall grows up, mind trying to trade one for a Dino? :)
  3. Adding a new little member to my family.
  4. my first double is a black (hope it's an alt) :)
  5. That's a nice lineage.
  6. Dinos can't breed. However, if it's fast, I have a hatchie...
  7. Thanks! Its very helpful!
    Cchiarell6914 likes this.
  8. This link will bring you to a bunch of free click sites. http://dragcave.wikia.com/wiki/Click_Sites wait a day or two, or else it will get sick. That is, if you put it on each of them. You'll get around 5-7 thousand
    Cchiarell6914 likes this.
  9. why dont new eggs drop at the top of the hour? and where do u go for dinos?
  10. They do... you may not see them. Dinos drop like any other dragon.
  11. ive been missing them at the 2pm 3pm and 6pm drops :(

    is there a special timezone?
  12. Accidentally grabbed this guy. Trading for... uh.... a CB / PB Pink male or Red Male hatchling. Trade has to happen in 4 and a half hours, when I can get rid of it.
  13. Does it HAVE to be purebred? I have a red that's gonna be hatched by tommorrow, but its lineage is just
    Father= Red
    Mother= Magma.
    That's good right?
  14. I like PB's best because when the lineage is large, and it's all the same, I think it's just awesome. Big lineage PB's > CB's.
  15. Please click my paper.
  16. Crazy I have a pink egg, Im not sure if it will be male or female, I could trade that.
  17. Got a nebula and a red. Also, my ice hatched!
  18. Anyone have any tpis on how to get a magma?
    Cchiarell6914 likes this.
  19. On the hour go to volcano, refresh constantly, and wish for the best.
    OR find someone to breed one for you.
    OR search the AP endlessly.