The Neverending Questions!

Discussion in 'Introduce Yourself' started by MigrantMove, Sep 27, 2012.

  1. A:I have never tried Spanish food - Which is odd seeing as I spent a month there

    Question: What country do you live in?
  2. I got 415k rupees...

    What's your favorite music genre?
    Mine is Screamo
  3. Spain :)
    NOT dubstep.
    My question: What is your favorite color?
  4. So I know of a game if people are looking for one to play on the forums that might be easier to understand for everyone. The first person will start with the letter A and name something you take to a picnic. Then the next person names something you take to a picnic but with a B and has to repeat each thing named that came before them. For example: My name is superdog93 ( or Karley) and I'm bring Apples. Then the next person says superdog is bringing apples, I'm bringing Bread. And you continue until the end of the alphabet and then pick a new place and start over. :) . It's also a good way too learn names. Just a suggestion.
  5. Why don't you bring something that begins with the same letter than your name? That'll make names easier to remember.
  6. 0_o i don't even have 50k rupees 0_o
  7. That works too. Whatever you guys think. I just thought it might be easier then the question thing... it seemed like a few people got a little confused. Thought this game might not be as confusing.
  8. Make a thread about that game :)
  9. How would ya'll want it to start.. with ABC's or by our names? I personally think it'll be easier with ABC's.
  10. I indeed am simple minded, but not that simple minded that
    I cant follow instructions.
    EDIT: My favorite spanish food: tacos
    What is your favorite animal, mine is a fox.