Dragon Signatures

Discussion in 'Miscellaneous' started by _removed_userwefwewe, Jul 14, 2012.

  1. I got a bronze tinsel.
    View my eggs please, they love clicks too.
  2. *Bump*

    One. More. Non. Growing. Dragon.
  3. Wow, congrats!
  4. Thanks :D
  5. Anyone have a Horse hatchie/egg? I'd like one.

    Will trade: 2nd gen PB Ember for Horse.
  6. Pink egg? Seems legit. ._.
  7. fuuuuu
  8. Can you breed golden wyverns?
  9. nice for the 2k posts and nice bronze tinsel zoe! :D
  10. Sure, I have a egg now.
    What would you trade for it?
    Thanks :D
  11. ill trade for it! extra summer egg??
  12. No I dont need more summers, a thunder, magma, or maybe a fall, im not sure, it has to be rare.
  13. Also, please click bomb this guy.
  14. Im working on getting a fall, so ill have that soon
  15. Ehh, never mind.
  16. Feel like I could punch myself in the face right now; I missed a CB Silver.
  17. Eh. I missed a CB ice.
    but I got a CB ice.
  18. Stop making fun of my no rares… ;)
  19. Oh come on, there were two CB ice this last drop in Alpine
    I was competing with one person.
    You could have gotten it.
  20. Hourly drop?? And I'm on my phone, so I probably wouldn't get access to the drop till next Tuesday :p