The return of JustinGuy

Discussion in 'Introduce Yourself' started by JustinGuy, Sep 21, 2012.

  1. I remember he joined smp4 for a few minutes in my first nooby days....

    The empire has become so much better and better since then!
  2. JustinGuy. How could ANYONE forget? ;)
  3. I was a noob an Justin joined.... 4858357 times in chat: 'JUSTIN!!!!!!!!'
  4. Likely followed by:

    User has been kicked for caps
    User has been kicked for caps
    User has been kicked for caps



  5. FROM

    _Stads_ and JustinGuy like this.
  6. I am starting by getting organized and prioritizing some things. I would also like to play some and maybe finish a little more on my palace! You have seen the posts ICC and others have been making about upcoming changes, I will be involved in most of those.
    ZBSDKryten, _Stads_, Jakres and 5 others like this.
  7. Welcome back Justin!

    We all missed you!
  8. I remember the days where I had to wait 10 min or so just to get on a Emc server xD Now that Justin is back hopefully things will return back to that :)
    ZBSDKryten, _Stads_, mba2012 and 3 others like this.
  9. I think it's his wallpaper... you know what Cows are like...
    _Stads_, mba2012, chickeneer and 3 others like this.
  10. I think there's a only a few of the older members left...
    The others got mad with power...and, well, it wasn't pretty.
  11. Of course you always have me. :p
  12. Point Proven!
    _Stads_, mba2012 and JustinGuy like this.
  13. And Jack, and nfell, and me, and battmeghs, and yankees518...
    We're the only ones left I think.
  14. I don't count as an older member lol - I've only been here for 156 days >.<
    _Stads_, mba2012, jkjkjk182 and 4 others like this.
  15. Im coming upto 300 days now
  16. Yeah, everyone was screaming: JUSTINGUY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    And than there was always 1 rule follower saying that you can't use caps to such an awesome person, it was pretty funny.

    It was in the time that there were like 40 players on smp5 :D
    _Stads_, mba2012 and JustinGuy like this.
  17. Only 100 likes in a week? My money is on the end of sunday. But I digress.

    Welcome back Justin! I'm excited to see how fast things go with a double programming team :)
  18. When I joined there were 9671 members, and I am here 240 days or so.... :)
    _Stads_, mba2012 and JustinGuy like this.
  19. I do!! :p Playing SMP4 my whole EMC Life! Im going to write a book!

    The Life Of nfell2009™

    By nfell2009

    nfell2009 and nfell are trademark of Nfell and Co.. Nfell and Co. is trademark too. I would put a 'TM' sign but cant find one
  20. Don't Forget me!!!