ATTENTION! Smp9 needs YOU!

Discussion in 'Community Discussion' started by 555NY, Sep 14, 2012.

  1. Im amazed that everyone has forgot about my shop lol
    its out right now tho.. ;/
  2. we haven't forgot... its just you've been gone for like a week
  3. I like your avater with the title.
  4. me?
  5. Yeah
  6. thank you!
  7. Has Herbrin came back yet?
  8. nope
  9. Jeez, hes been gone forever. But so have I :(, but I might be coming back to SMP9:)

    Has Herbrin made any Major adjustments to any of his residences? Like building his new shop?
  10. Maybe ill pump a few thousand K into a shop on my SMP9 Res... I hate looking after shops though... we shall see
  11. Lol yeah... I had a Mega Mall in SMP9, but then I havn't been in game for ever... so I've lost it :(
  12. I could create something on my plot next to spawn.

    A small mall?
  13. Yes!:)
  14. Okay,I already got an idea for the layout :)
  15. Okay guys

    Under the last 20 min I have begun the dev of my new mall.
    It will be shaped like a pyramid but with water :).

    I hope to have it completed this weekend but if anybody wants to help against payment,Ill be glad to get them to work.
    Cchiarell6914 likes this.